Why food content fragmentation can lead you off the path

It is a fact that real health and vitality requires a holistic approach. Food we eat, water we drink, the air we breathe, the stress we experience and our relationships are all factors that determine our wellness. Yet, food we ingest creates and re-creates our cells and that is why this pillar is so important for the overall well-being.

Nowadays, there are endless discussions about nutrients of various foods. While it is good to educated ourselves on the vitamin and mineral content of our food to pick the foods which help with a particular deficiency or problem, we should not forget about the bigger picture and consider the effect of the current fragmented, reductionist approach (as referred to by Dr. T. Colin Campbell) on people’s food choices. What do I mean by this?

You can find information about nutrients in the food pretty easily online. There are also many scientific studies that show effects of different diets on people, but also just simple analyses of what nutrients fruits, veggies, nuts, seeds, milk and meat contain. This is what I call food content fragmentation and what Dr. Campbell calls reductionism.


Modern world focuses so much on macro and micronutrients and tries to proof the effects of food so much that we get lost in the process of proving the benefits, instead of understanding the bigger picture and testing the effects on ourselves.


Besides the overfocus on nutritional analysis, this fragmented approach has lead to the creation of camps within the modern society. Instead of working together, people fight over labels. Vegan? No vegan? Flexitarian? Fruitarian? Omnivore? Herbivore?


Can you see what’s wrong?


There is so much noise caused by the labelling that it is impossible for our mind not to get overwhelmed.

“But wait, how do I know what is then really good for me,” you ask.

The answer is pretty simple. Whole plant foods in their natural state.


However to find out what your body thrives on the most, how much food you need, you need to do a little research with yourself.

Here are my steps to enable you to FEEL which whole foods you function best on:


  • HUMAN DESIGN: Educate yourself on a zoomed out level. Gain understanding of what humans are meant to eat. Understand the design of our digestive systems. Humans thrive on whole plant foods.


  • TUNE IN: crave out time for yourself, make space to evaluate your current eating habits, feel what you need and what you intuitively love to eat - out of whole plant foods (no food products).


  • PICK YOUR FAVOURITES: Make sure you have your favourite fruits and veggies always at home. Find a favourite recipe or just enjoy fruits on their own.


  • EVALUATE HOW YOU FEEL: Nobody can feel what you feel. We all thrive on plants however the food needs are very unique and dependent on many factors such as your daily routines, activity levels or home/work situation. Listen to how you feel after a meal and then over some time after you make changes to your diet if something does not feel right. Remember, to feel the effects of food it requires mindfulness and consistency to achieve the results.


  • TRUST YOURSELF: Don’t let anyone convince you. Listen to yourself. I am not here to convert you into any lifestyle. I am here to inspire you to show you the way but you are the creator. Trust how you feel after a meal. Your body gives you the right signals. It is not your doctor, teacher, parent or a friend. You do your research & implement your best meals. You can do it! 


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